Shipping policy!

Time of delivery:

Regular orders will be shipped within 3 business days.

If the product is unavailable, it will be marked "out of stock".

Tracking information will be provided in the shipping confirmation email after the order leaves our workshop.

Delivery times vary but generally take between 3-7 business days after they leave our warehouse.

  • Please consider delays that are beyond our control. This includes external factors such as weekends, holidays, weather conditions, courier delays.

Places of delivery:

Delivery to Croatia is free. For other EU countries, delivery is €5, while for other countries it is €10. We use GLS for delivery to Croatia and HP for other markets.

Unfortunately, we currently do not offer delivery to other locations.

Important information:

We are not responsible for any customs clearance or customs fees associated with your purchase.

We are not responsible if you enter an incorrect or incomplete address. This results in the shipment being returned to the sender - this can often take 4 - 6 weeks.

  • If your order really could not be delivered, it will be returned to the sender. We will then contact you for a new delivery address. We will then resend your order for free.
  • The reason we can't resend any missing packages until we receive a refund from the sender is because as we grow, we get more "missing packages" email scams.